Thursday, February 26, 2009


This is something damn bloody cool!
I just found out this function!! :D

I'm actually typing as a Hotmail email now and when I send to a specific email add, the post gets published on this blog!!

Damn awesome I'm so proud of Blogspot @.@

Do you guys want the email too?
So you can just publish a blog post if you feel like saying hi (:

The only thing is that: if I tell you the email here, later some stranger come and update the blog ahahha wth.

And also: Papatoots wants to shut down this blog already. By March we're closing yo's.

HAHAHAHHAHA you can go kill him now :D

(We might be partially serious.)


Ignore the Windows Live advertisement. It's cos I blogged via Hotmail.


check out the rest of the Windows Live™. More than mail–Windows Live™ goes way beyond your inbox. More than messages


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