Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hey peeps,
Looks like im one of the writers man!:D. Damn kembang yay wtf! O.O
So as you can see im in charge of GOSSIPS!LOL! Why am I always linked to gossip? Coz I like to GOSSIP thats why:)
So watch out for your daily dosage of GOSSIPS! OMG how many ' gossip ' words have I mentioned? T.T
And OH YEAH!! I want a codename too wtf!:P I should get started on the codename thingy!
Btw! Since Mr Chew might be reading this blog, I would just like to mention how much 5 Gamma LOVE LOVE LOVE ADORES Srikl. And we will never do anything to pollute the good name of the school! Because we are such angels. And all the teachers are angels too! LOVE THEM!:D
Yea! Random! AAHAHAHHAHA! Well I should run along now. Updates coming right up!
Yours truly,Random-No-Name/ FITRI FITRI FITRI! ( need to ask wai suan to teach me how to be guai lan and zha people:P )


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