Monday, September 1, 2008


HELLO. Papatoots suggested that we should recruit new writers in this blog because only 2 out 4 are updating.

So maybe we should recruit la hor.


Male/Female Whoever la wtf I don't care.

From 5 Gamma.
I will salute those who are not in 5 Gamma but knows everything about our class because our stories and dramas keep circulating everywhere.

Fluent in spoken and written English.
(Even though we don't use real English *cough* WAISUAN *cough*)

Hokkien, Mandarin and Cantonese is an added advantage wtf since we always curse and swear in these 3 languages.

And obviously those who participate in class.

Don't care already la, those who want just come find me I'll give you the pw.
But don't cry if I say no, everything is Papatoot's decision. I'm the messenger :P

Sorry I damn mou liu, I damn lazy to study la KAN (shortform for KanNiMa/KNN wtf, kan is rape wtfff!)

I think we should do a countdown in this blog like how many days to trials/spm.
So that if Mr Chew stumbles on our blog, he'll know that we actually know that trials is in 2 weeks and SPM is in I'll-count-later weeks.

In our case, out countdown will also include days to graduation (if we ever get a date), after SPM and days to prom.

Wah shit la damn mou liu I go first.

Lieutenant Olivia.


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