Saturday, November 29, 2008

One for the semangat.

Super super annoyed right now because I tried to do 2 sets of Dokumen and I couldn't do two sets of Dokumen. Couldn't get past the buku tunai also so which means I didn't get started on lejar.

GARRRR! *kills someone

I practise the others first lah sigh.



Lieutenant (gone) Nuts.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Two more papers and the last paper is objective ok!

Hello fellow Gammarians thought I'd drop by for a while considering Karel finished his SPM already so he has nothing to do and he keeps coming back to this blog to check if it's updated but to his dismay it's not .. so this is for him. Surprise Karel!

You bloody fool just cause you drop Accounts.

One more paper isn't that exciting!~
Damn scary lah .. people .. FEAR ACCOUNTS! WHAT if your accounts tak imbang?! Or or they ask about theory in paper 2! Because confirm a lot of ppl don't read theory for that paper la who will sighh.

Or come out that stupid guai lan Kelab and Persatuan (which I never knew how to do!) and then you put Untung instead of Lebihan?? Remember k guys!

Last paper let's make this good then can FTZ for guys and shopping (and Twilight wtf HAHA) for girls.

I'm thinking about something but I'll blog about it after SPM yeah, it's just 3 days away (: Don't give up guys, don't let LBL down.

Taken I-don't-know-when, still pictures anyway.

And introducing the most important person wtf haha ..

wtf! This is me in Sigma!! :D

Nothing to write lah, bye!

MICPA - Peperiksaan di Malaysia
MASC (or some shit like that) - 3 type of Piawaian's and Penasihat Awam.
MIA - I don't know, something about maintaining the level of Accounting.

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's tomorrow. wtf.


Tomorrow SPM.

How? :D

We can do this.
21 more days to go! (:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Grad Picts II.

Second batch of pictures which I forgot I had wtf.
These are the pictures from the photographer. Only three. I could have sworn he took more that night but oh well :/

All the pictures below are courtesy of Ms Nicole Ng,
thank you very much Miss Ng! :D

Anyone else who have pictures, please send to me/Wai Suan PLEASE!!
I know it's damn annoying but we cannot see each other for the exchange of thumbdrives and this and that. Actually we can right, during SPM week.

So you can send through MSN, mail, thumbdrive etc whatever rocks your boat. If you want, I'll give you the pw to this blog, and you can upload here.

But uploading pictures on the blog is a bitch unless you have good connection so do at your own risk.



I just took 5 minutes to upload 2 pictures. Go figure.

I repeat: I don't want to upload everyone's picture when not everyone reads this blog.

Ah Chun.

Leong Zhi.

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